Digitally sign  documents quickly and with maximum safety and legal value!

ITA Version

Make partnerships between
individuals, professionals, businesses and PA
easier and quicker, avoid printing paper documents and shipping through traditional mail, save time and space!

The Digital Signature is the electronic equivalent of a traditional handwritten signature affixed on paper. 
It’s the result of a computer procedure that guarantees the following properties to electronic documents:


It guarantees the identity of the signee of the document


It ensures that the document has not been altered after being digitally signed

Non ripudiation

It gives full legal validity to the document, so the document cannot be repudiated by the signee

The  Digital Signature  is provided by Zucchetti as a 
Qualified Trust Service Provider 
in compliance with Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 - eIDAS.

This ensures your Zucchetti digital signature will have full legal value in every country of the European Union .

How to generate a digital signature

To generate a digital signature it is necessary to use a pair of asymmetric digital keys uniquely attributed to an individual , called the owner. The private key known only by the holder is used to generate the digital signature to be affixed to the document, and the public key can be used by anyone who needs to verify the authenticity of the signature on it. This method is known as double key encryption and ensures complete security since the public key cannot be used to reconstruct the private key. Asymmetric digital keys can only be issued by a Qualified Trust Service Provider which is responsible for verifying the identity of the holder and issuing him a digital certificate of subscription.

The digital certificate can be contained in a signature device (USB key), or stored on the servers of the Qualified Trust Service Provider and recalled by the holder through specific software tools (remote signature).  Both methods allow the "private", unique and secret encryption key to be used to affix the digital signature; the related "public" key, on the other hand, made available online by the issuing Certification Body, allows any subsequent verification.

The digital signature can be affixed to any electronic document!

Discover Zucchetti's digital signature types:


Business Key

It allows you to digitally sign an electronic document from any computer with a USB port. So you can always have on hand your digital signature device, usable with no need to install any hardware or software. 
The use of the Business Key is subject to a personal PIN code that guarantees its safety in case of loss or theft.


Remote Digital Signature

It allows you to digitally sign all electronic documents online , without the need to install dedicated hardware. It works in conjunction with the software FirmaCheck Zucchetti Certifica.
Your digital signature certificate is securely hosted in the Zucchetti Datacenter, this eliminates the risk of losing the signature support. When signing, you will be asked to enter the PIN and an OTP code sent via SMS on your mobile phone or by notification on the appropriate App.


Digitalize your business with  Digital Signature Zucchetti

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